WELCOME to the Purbeck Deanery’s blog for Children’s and Young People’s leaders, for sharing ideas and experience in providing ministry for young people and their families in our communities. We hope you’ll find something interesting and useful here as together we work to communicate God’s love to a new generation.

Please pray for this ministry – may God bless you for your interest.

John Wood, Rural Dean of Purbeck

"Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us that we must become like children in order to enter God’s kingdom, and you took children in your arms to bless them; guide us as we work to bring your special blessing to the young people in our communities in Purbeck; through your Spirit, give us wisdom to know how to do this; give us strength to undertake the task; give us compassion and a caring heart to reach out with your love, that your kingdom may grow and all rejoice in your blessing; for your glory’s sake. Amen"

Monday 4 November 2013

More ideas for Remembrance

At our lunchtime collective worship club we talked about Remembrance in preparation for the actual collective worship next week.

We made large poppies from tissue paper to put on our collective worship board.
Cut out 4 large heart shaped pieces

 Hold the petals together in a rough poppy shape by scrunching the bases

Secure the base of each petal together using a green pipe cleaner to make a stalk

Stick a black dot or button in the centre or draw on with black marker pen.

I cut out red petal shapes and each child took some from a bowl as they arrived and sat down.

We listened to Emilie Sandie’s version of Abide With Me from the Olympics Opening Ceremony and I invited them to place their petals on the card to make a cross.

We then lit a candle to represent our prayers for peace. The children decided we should put the poppy petal cross on our reflective area.

I think that this would work with any age group.

More Remembrance ideas can be found here:


Thoughts about Remembrance for school, Messy church, Sunday groups or church

Cut out 4 large red petal shapes from card and a black circle for the centre hold or pin up the shapes to show that they make a poppy

Cut out individual letters P-O-P-P-Y

Place P-O-P-Y at the centre of each petal and replace the centre black spot with the O

P for Praise: we offer praise to God who loves us and cares for us, even in difficult times.

O for Offering: we are thankful for those soldiers who bravely offered their lives, fighting in wars to try and make others safe.

P for Prayer: we pray for the safety of those still serving in wars, we pray for those who have lost friends and loved ones, and we pray for those who have been injured.

P for Peace: Remembrance Day does not celebrate or glorify war, but remembers it and the importance of us continuing to pray for peace.

Y for You:  You can make the choice to bring peace to your own life and the life of those around you. You can pray for God’s peace to guide and comfort you. We all play a part in keeping the memory of war, of bravery and suffering. We also need to remember to play a part in caring for those who are bereaved or injured. Our lives, and our actions may also hold the key to a more peaceful future. We, together are offering praise and prayer to God and hoping for peace

Submitted by Barbara Meardon