Please send in your good ideas, photos and experiences to share with others in Purbeck about what went well or not so well over Christmas.
Feel you need a lift for the New Year? Here are some ideas:
A couple of years ago I went to the children's and family ministries Hand-in-Hand Conference in Eastbourne. It was a brilliant weekend with something for everyone in children's, family and young people's ministry. I saw some great talks and found excellent resources and it is great to meet up with so many people who feel passionate about what we do.
There are basic sessions for those starting out; sessions for junior leaders; diving deeper sessions for those who've been involved in children's ministry for a while; sessions exploring all age worship and family friendly church; sessions focused on children with additional needs and their families and more. Also specific sessions and half price for young people. Plus time for worship, prayer and Bible study. Barnabas are exhibiting and being joined by over 50 other ministries and organisations that serve this area of church life. There will be a conference shop where half price deals on hundreds of resources can be found.
If you can’t get to Eastbourne how about a day conference at Exeter on Saturday March 2nd 2013 at Belmont Chapel, Western Way, Exeter? Saturday 2nd March. 9:30-18:30. At Belmont Chapel, Exeter.
A day event for anyone involved in Children and Youth Ministry in the South West. Come and bring your team of volunteers to get inspired, challenged and equipped. This year fully embracing Children and Families Ministry from age 5 upwards.
Or book a place on the Children’s and Youth Workers Retreat at Ivy House in Warminster March 4th-5th with myself and Joanne Triffett, Project Development Officer from the Mother’s Union, leading. Do email me for more details: